How A Simple Tune In The Morning Can Set The Tone For Your Day

This is the day that the Lord Hs made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.   Psalm118:24 (ESV)

Morning Song

I used to wake up most mornings with a song playing in my mind. It was often a praise song or something popular on Christian radio.  The past couple of years, though, the song has been one I learned as a child in Sunday School based on Psalm118:24. As soon as I open my eyes, I say that verse (or sing the song) in my head and it sets the tone for the day.

Difficult Times

The past two years have been rough for me.  It’s hard losing your parents back to back — my dad in June of 2022 and my mom last summer.  The two previous years of the pandemic and concern for their health extended that rough patch. Prayer and meditating on scripture have helped me stay afloat.  

Yesterday was a hard day.  I thought about Psalm 118:24 when I first awoke.  I did my Bible reading and devotions, but I could tell I was “off”.  I was sad most of the day instead of rejoicing.

I missed my mom and dad. I missed my children who live hours away from me.  I missed my grandson. I even missed my second grandson who has not been born yet.

Working Through Grief

Grieving is a process that takes time.  Sometimes sadness hangs over me like a dark cloud. Other times, that dark cloud is in the distance — still there but not overhead. Something simple like a songbird, a beautiful sunset, or the antics of a small child can push the clouds back.

I thought about that verse last night as I was going to sleep.  I don’t think it means we will always be happy because we simply won’t. For me, it’s acknowledging that God has given me another day to live and that he is in control of that day — all the events, all the emotions, the outcomes, good or bad.  I can rejoice and be glad knowing he made the day for me.

Another favorite verse is Deuteronomy 31:6 which is repeated in Hebrews 13:5.” He will never leave you or forsake you.” This adds another layer of encouragement. We can rejoice and be glad in our days because God made them and he promises to never leave us. Whatever my day brings, I know that God is there.

How about you? Do you meditate on a favorite verse? Do you have a favorite song that comes to mind? I’d love to hear.

Some things that made me glad this week:

  • Beautiful flowers
  • A songbird perched on my deck
  • Watching a toddler enjoy live music
  • Boone meeting new doggie friends
  • Dinner with friends
  • Mountains blanketed in summer green
  • Sunset in the mountains

2 thoughts on “How A Simple Tune In The Morning Can Set The Tone For Your Day

  1. I’m sorry you had a rough time…. One of my favorite verses I love to pray in the morning is Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice….I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation”. Love you

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