The Unexpected Blessing Of A Slower Pace Of Life

It’s been a surreal week, hasn’t it? This past week, life has slowed down to a crawl for most of us — unless you work in a hospital or a grocery store.  I’m savoring the quietness right now but I know that might not always be the case.

I would have been on lockdown this week anyway because of my recent surgery.  My body is still mending, so staying at home has not been an issue.  The strange thing is that everyone else is also confined to home for the most part.

The last time I remember feeling anything close to this was when I had my babies.  I remember the days well, particularly with my firstborn.  They were long and slow.  I felt like I was in some sort of time warp, my snail-like pace of life drastically contrasted that of the outside world.  In my little nest, life was lived in slow motion while the world carried on at a frantic pace.

It’s a similar feeling — a slowed down existence, a weary body but no baby to take care of.

Like everyone else, I’m trying to make the best of a very unusual situation.   

The timing of this crisis is interesting. It’s the beginning of Holy Week, the week that leads up to Easter Sunday.  There won’t be the usual church services and family gatherings to celebrate.  No reason to get dressed up in spring finery.  It will definitely be different.

In some ways, I am looking forward to it.  I am looking forward to the quiet moments when I can really pause and reflect on what Jesus Christ did for me, for us.  No outside distractions.  No plans to be made.  No rushing around trying to get stuff done.  Just time to sit quietly and reflect on the true meaning of this life-changing season.

Our pastor is doing a short devotional each night this week to walk us through the last week of Jesus’s life — the week between Palm Sunday and Easter.  Here is the link if you would like to follow along with the Journey to the Cross.  I found these Bible verses you could read as well.  Perhaps your own church is doing something online for Holy Week.  I hope you will take advantage of all that is available to help make it a special week.

Another positive thing about being sequestered at home is that I will be able to work on some projects I need to complete.  One of these projects is to complete a photo book from our trip to the Holy Land in 2018.  I am looking forward to reliving the trip as I go through my photos.  It will definitely enhance my meditations. 

I pray that you will be able to spend some time this week focusing on the indescribable gift given to us by Jesus — the penalty of our sin forgiven by his own death and resurrection and the promise of an eternal life spent with him.  I pray that you will find quiet moments in this time of uncertainty and fear to seek or reconnect with God.  I pray that it will be a good week full of peace and hope.

6 thoughts on “The Unexpected Blessing Of A Slower Pace Of Life

  1. I enjoyed your photos Kim. I have heard other people compare these days of being shut in with having a newborn.
    May I ask WHAT are those white birds feeding on the grass? I am guessing some type of crane?? Definitely don’t see those here in Tennessee!! Stay safe Kim!

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  2. It is hard slowing down. Not sure what the Lord is leading me to do, but we all wait. He continues to want us to love Him with all our heart. Glad you are recovering. You will need to before Boone makes an appearance.

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  3. Thanks for reminding us to take in these quiet moments during Holy Week without fear. I pray our families pause and reflect on Jesus and the indescribable gift of eternal life he has given us. We’ve slowed down to a crawl, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing. We can focus on what matters most, not what we should wear for Easter church service, events, or what to cook or where to go for dinner. BTW, gardening has always been such a therapeutic pastime for me. I love your photos of all the flowers and birds. So thankful you’re on the mend!

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